and the song...

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Aah, some video ...

READ MORE » Aah, some video ...

We did go to Branson after Christmas...

We stayed in a lovely condo at Stillwaters resort...

Huge Whirlpool tub in our bathroom. and a Gorgeous view from our deck

our trip to Silver dollar City
on the warmest day of December ever.
It was about 60 degrees and sunny off and on all day.

(pictures in reverse!)
small on the Ladybug ride
looking up at the center piece

Medium and Tall
on the Butterfly / Caterpillar ride

Medium enjoying the Frogs!

small on the Ladybugs again

This is for Bizzy
Taken inside the Chapel Log Cabin
The oldest two were briefly arrested...

We, of course, rode the Train

Possibly the best roller coaster ride the two of them will ever enjoy together.


Small and Daddy
and Medium on frogs right behind them!

This was a favorite
because he could ride alone
and mostly because there was never a wait line.
Daddy & Small

Medium & Tall

a bit blurry,
because he moved his head around during the entire ride.
silly small.

Small & Tall

Loved this ride.

While Daddy & Medium & Tall went on Flooded Mine
Small found the Train Conductor!

Very cool.

Medium & Tall were put in time out,

I took Tall & Medium
to "White Flight" at the Butterfly Palace
one day while Daddy & Small tried to rest & feel better.

This is the living angel.

This is a Greta Oto.
It's wings are transluescent.
Very Pretty.

My Adventurers.

The Boat Docks at night.

This was a photo op in front of the
Showboat Branson Belle.

(small is at the wheel and moving)

Again the boat docks at night.
So cute my children are.

We had a relaxing time and will try to go back to stay at Stillwaters Resort. It was nice to be able to cook our own breakfast and lunches and even a dinner or two. I was also able to throw a load of laundry through in our own condo. Nicer than a hotel in many respects. We also enjoyed all the holiday lights around Branson.
READ MORE » We did go to Branson after Christmas...

On blooming where you are planted...

so this is NOT some reflective post...


Tiny, Beautiful little bloom buds.

Three Beautiful
little white blossoms.

I will post more pictures as they grow into fruit!

and now a nice view of homemade cornbread

the first loaf from my new cast iron dutch oven.


It cooked perfectly
and tasted Fabulous!

READ MORE » On blooming where you are planted...

and some more ...

READ MORE » and some more ...

Aah, some video ...

READ MORE » Aah, some video ...