I do still cook ...

Here I am marinating some of my bi-color cherry tomatoes...
this is Shish-ka-bob

fresh brussel sprouts, banana peppers and sweet snack peppers from my garden

and some yummy mushrooms, just cause.

This is the meat...
Stew beef, marinated overnight and then

skewered with onion and bbq -ed.

This is what the basket was full of...

We cleaned it all up ...
me, hubby and Tall.

Seriously, the boys declined to eat it.
well, medium declined, small was napping.
oops. :)
there was pineapple too, but tall and I ate it all, quickly.
(so we didn't accidently send hubby into anaphalactic shock)
so, I really am still cooking, especially fresh things from my garden.
Just haven't had time to post.
Still unpacking. :)

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